
export class AutoModerationRule extends Base
export class AutoModerationRule extends Base
Represents an auto moderation rule.


The actions of this auto moderation rule.
The client that instantiated this
Inherited from Base
The user that created this auto moderation rule.
Whether this auto moderation rule is enabled.
The event type of this auto moderation rule.
The channels exempt by this auto moderation rule.
exemptRoles:Collection<Snowflake, Role>
The roles exempt by this auto moderation rule.
The guild this auto moderation rule is for.
The id of this auto moderation rule.
The name of this auto moderation rule.
The trigger metadata of the rule.
The trigger type of this auto moderation rule.
Deletes this auto moderation rule.
reasonstringYesThe reason for deleting this auto moderation rule
Edits this auto moderation rule.
optionsAutoModerationRuleEditOptionsNoOptions for editing this auto moderation rule
setActions(actions, reason?):Promise<AutoModerationRule>
Sets the actions for this auto moderation rule.
actionsAutoModerationActionOptions[]NoThe actions of this auto moderation rule
reasonstringYesThe reason for changing the actions of this auto moderation rule
setAllowList(allowList, reason?):Promise<AutoModerationRule>
Sets the allow list for this auto moderation rule.
allowListstring[]NoThe substrings that will be exempt from triggering and
reasonstringYesThe reason for changing the allow list of this auto moderation rule
setEnabled(enabled?, reason?):Promise<AutoModerationRule>
Sets whether this auto moderation rule should be enabled.
enabledbooleanYesWhether to enable this auto moderation rule
reasonstringYesThe reason for enabling or disabling this auto moderation rule
setEventType(eventType, reason?):Promise<AutoModerationRule>
Sets the event type for this auto moderation rule.
eventTypeAutoModerationRuleEventTypeNoThe event type of this auto moderation rule
reasonstringYesThe reason for changing the event type of this auto moderation rule
setExemptChannels(exemptChannels, reason?):Promise<AutoModerationRule>
Sets the exempt channels for this auto moderation rule.
exemptChannelsCollection<Snowflake, GuildBasedChannel> | GuildChannelResolvable[]NoThe channels that should not be affected by the auto moderation rule
reasonstringYesThe reason for changing the exempt channels of this auto moderation rule
setExemptRoles(exemptRoles, reason?):Promise<AutoModerationRule>
Sets the exempt roles for this auto moderation rule.
exemptRolesCollection<Snowflake, Role> | RoleResolvable[]NoThe roles that should not be affected by the auto moderation rule
reasonstringYesThe reason for changing the exempt roles of this auto moderation rule
setKeywordFilter(keywordFilter, reason?):Promise<AutoModerationRule>
Sets the keyword filter for this auto moderation rule.
keywordFilterstring[]NoThe keyword filter of this auto moderation rule
reasonstringYesThe reason for changing the keyword filter of this auto moderation rule
setMentionRaidProtectionEnabled(mentionRaidProtectionEnabled, reason?):Promise<AutoModerationRule>
Sets whether to enable mention raid protection for this auto moderation rule.
mentionRaidProtectionEnabledbooleanNoWhether to enable mention raid protection for this auto moderation rule
reasonstringYesThe reason for changing the mention raid protection of this auto moderation rule
setMentionTotalLimit(mentionTotalLimit, reason?):Promise<AutoModerationRule>
Sets the mention total limit for this auto moderation rule.
mentionTotalLimitnumberNoThe total number of unique role and user mentions allowed per message
reasonstringYesThe reason for changing the mention total limit of this auto moderation rule
setName(name, reason?):Promise<AutoModerationRule>
Sets the name for this auto moderation rule.
namestringNoThe name of this auto moderation rule
reasonstringYesThe reason for changing the name of this auto moderation rule
setPresets(presets, reason?):Promise<AutoModerationRule>
Sets the presets for this auto moderation rule.
presetsAutoModerationRuleKeywordPresetType[]NoThe presets of this auto moderation rule
reasonstringYesThe reason for changing the presets of this auto moderation rule
setRegexPatterns(regexPatterns, reason?):Promise<AutoModerationRule>
Sets the regular expression patterns for this auto moderation rule.
regexPatternsstring[]NoThe regular expression patterns of this auto moderation rule Only Rust-flavored regular expressions are supported.
reasonstringYesThe reason for changing the regular expression patterns of this auto moderation rule
...propsRecord<string, boolean | string>[]NoNone
Inherited from Base